Chhattisgarh prisoners to receive Rs 100 per day

Raipur | Correspondent: The Chhattisgarh government has raised the daily honorarium for prisoners in state jails.

Unskilled prisoners will now receive Rs 80 per day, up from Rs 60, while skilled prisoners will earn Rs 100 per day, an increase from Rs 75.

The change follows a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by former Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar, who challenged the existing rates.

The High Court had issued a notice to the state government, which responded with an affidavit confirming the increase in remuneration.

The Chief Justice’s division bench accepted the state’s affidavit and dismissed the petition.

Petition called for rise in prisoners’ honorarium

The petition highlighted that prisoners in Chhattisgarh jails were not receiving fair honorarium for their work.

Unskilled workers were paid Rs 60 per day, and skilled workers Rs 75, which the petition claimed was insufficient given current standards.

It argued that these rates had been unchanged for years and called for the honorarium to be increased to match the collector rate.

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