Delayed relief: villager compensated 1.5 Years after elephant attack

Jashpur | Correspondent: The elephant-human conflict has become an increasingly frequent issue in Chhattisgarh, with a rise in reported incidents across the state.

Villagers residing in remote forest areas often express concerns that, while elephant movements are monitored, the information is not shared with them, leading to accidents and dangerous encounters.

In many elephant-human conflict cases, villagers who have suffered from elephant attacks face delays in receiving compensation.

A recent incident in the Chief Minister’s home district Jashpur highlights this issue, where a victim received compensation 1.5 years after the attack.

Jairam Bhoi, a resident of Bhedimuda in Lalunga tehsil, finally received compensation for injuries sustained in an elephant attack after waiting for one and a half years.

Bhoi had suffered a broken leg during the attack, which left him struggling to walk and dealing with financial difficulties.

After a prolonged wait, Jairam sought help at the Chief Minister’s Camp Office in Bagiya.

In response, Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai intervened, instructing the Forest Department to take immediate action.

Following this, Jairam was provided a cheque for Rs 58,000.

The attack had occurred when Jairam was returning home from the market, and the delay in compensation had put significant financial strain on his family.

Jairam expressed gratitude for the assistance but highlighted the challenges faced due to the long delay.

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