ENGLISHख़बर ख़ास

average income of farmer families in Chhattisgarh is just Rs 9,677

Raipur | Correspondent: The economic condition of farmer families in Chhattisgarh is concerning, especially when compared to the national average. Recent data presented in Parliament reveals that Chhattisgarh ranks 21st among the 28 states in terms of the average monthly income of agricultural households.

Farmers in Chhattisgarh, who primarily rely on paddy cultivation, have historically struggled with weak economic conditions. However, since 2018, there has been some improvement, particularly due to an increase in the price of paddy. The BJP government’s recent decision to set the paddy price at Rs 3,100 per quintal for 2024 is anticipated to have a significant positive impact on the state’s farming economy.

Despite these efforts, it is still unclear whether the benefits of the increased paddy prices are being experienced across the board or if only the larger farming operations are reaping the rewards, leaving small and marginal farmers behind.

The data presented in the Lok Sabha also highlights the disparities in farmer incomes across the country. Meghalaya tops the list, with farmer families earning an average monthly income of Rs 29,348—the highest in the nation.

Punjab follows as the second-highest, with an average monthly income of Rs 26,701 per farming household. Haryana is in third place with Rs 22,841.

On the opposite end, Jharkhand records the lowest average monthly income for farmer families, at just Rs 4,895.

In this context, Chhattisgarh’s 21st position is troubling, with farmer families earning an average of only Rs 9,677 per month—significantly less than the income of farmers in top-ranked Meghalaya.

In Telangana, farmer families earn slightly less, with an average monthly income of Rs 9,403. In neighboring Madhya Pradesh, the average income is even lower, at Rs 8,339.

Other states with notably low average incomes include Bihar, where farmer families earn Rs 7,542 per month, West Bengal at Rs 6,762, and Odisha at Rs 5,112.

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