ENGLISHख़बर ख़ास

Malaria increasing every year in Chhattisgarh

Raipur | Correspondent: Malaria cases in Chhattisgarh have shown a worrying upward trend over the past three years. As the monsoon season brings an increase in mosquito activity, the state’s public health officials are facing heightened concerns about the spread of this life-threatening disease.

Chhattisgarh, along with Odisha and Jharkhand, remains one of the top three states in India hardest hit by malaria. The state has been struggling with this disease for years, often topping national charts in malaria incidence.

According to government data, India recorded 161,753 cases of malaria in 2021, and a staggering 29,733 of these cases—18.38% of the national total—were from Chhattisgarh alone.

In 2022, the number of reported malaria cases in Chhattisgarh increased to 30,029. The upward trend continued in 2023, with 31,706 cases recorded in the state.

This indicates a 6.6% rise in cases over the two years. The concern grows further when considering the data from 2024—by July alone, the state had already registered 17,765 cases. This suggests that, without intervention, the total number for 2024 could surpass previous years.

The Chhattisgarh government, in collaboration with the Central Health Department, has implemented several initiatives aimed at controlling the spread of malaria. A key focus has been on Bastar, a tribal region where the disease is particularly prevalent due to its dense forests, stagnant water sources, and limited healthcare access.

The state has conducted awareness campaigns, increased the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets, and improved the diagnosis and treatment facilities in vulnerable areas.

Despite these efforts, the increase in cases over the past three years highlights the persistence of the problem. The state’s remote areas, difficult terrain, and lack of healthcare infrastructure continue to pose significant challenges in malaria prevention and control.

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